Indre Serpytyte. Still Silence
curated by Carlo Madesani
Indre Serpytyte (Lithuania, 1983) talks to our visual senses of the distant, cold and silent past and only those who have lived through can know.
The reality of those years, the time of the Cold war, have touched the artist in a very personal way. The series A state of Silence pays tribute to her father, Albinas Serpytis, the head of the government security, who died in suspicious circumstances in a car accident in the early hours of October 13th 2001.
There was no official enquiry or investigation into the circumstances of his death and no answers to the many questions being asked. The suspicion remains that the death was brutal and intentional. But all that now lingers is an increasingly faded memory,
a state of silence within the State of silence. The objects of bureaucracy: a hat, shirts, paper, a silenced phone are immortalised in the photographs. Memories of the harrasing cold war, oppressive and insidious that continued for 50 years to condition and destroy the lives of millions of people. The artist has began a search of the past into the lives of victims cataloged and controlled by the Soviet forces. They focused on arrest and interment whithin secret prisons across Lithuania. it's in everyday life that the inhumane side of every conflict finds vent. By carrying out interrogations , imprisoment and torture in these everyday spaces the KGB officers converted them into places of terror. After extensive research for the series (1944-1991) Former NKVD - MVD - MGB - KGB Buildings, the artist retrieved the archival images of these buildings, revisited and re-photographed them, only to find that time had erased all the traces of their terrible history. Her solution came from using the Lithuanian tradition of wood carving in order to recreate these buildings through a local artisan. Through these sculptures the artist makes the invisible once more visible. Whilst the houses became the places of terror the forest provided the place of refuge and sanctuary for the freedom fighters. The series Forest brothers depicts the refuge of partisans, who in 1945 to 1956 formed small armed resistance groups and with the help of Lithuanian peasants continued a bitter and heroic guerrilla resistance movement against the Russian occupying forces. The forest acted as natural walls beyond which they found freedom and now the images of them stand as monuments to the absence of memory and to silence that remains undisturbed.
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